by Chris Maxwell | May 14, 2018 | Blog
Today, dear God, Guide my hopes and selfish schemes to peer beyond the in-betweens. Then steer my love to life around me. Each day, all day, help me to stay in pace with You. Can You help, heal? Slow me down, make me real? Dear God, today, I pray You will. (by Chris...
by Chris Maxwell | May 8, 2018 | Blog
Travel back in time with me to a quiet shore on the Sea of Tiberius. The sun’s rays have just begun chasing the gray dawn away, casting light upon a ragged band of disillusioned disciples rising and falling with the waves. John 21 hints that the small crew had caught...
by Chris Maxwell | May 5, 2018 | Blog, Book Excerpts
See possibilities for acts of kindness. Choose to live in love, replacing missed opportunities with ministry moments: • Smile at a friend. Thank them for the many blessings they bring your way. • Smile at a stranger. A glance from eyes of one displaying God’s love is...
by Chris Maxwell | May 2, 2018 | Blog, Book Excerpts
The family never spent Christmas that way before. They would never spend it that way again. Opening presents and eating meals couldn’t turn their minds toward holiday gusto. Not that year. Tears replaced laughter. Fears flavored moods. Carolyn, whose humor normally...
by Chris Maxwell | Apr 22, 2018 | Blog, Book Excerpts
Pausing doesn’t end correctly by concluding with a time of respite and reflection. Those are appetizers preparing us to be the people we truly crave to be. It isn’t all internal. It moves us forward, upward, outward. What do we become? World changers. Lovers. Friends....
by Chris Maxwell | Apr 17, 2018 | Blog, Book Excerpts
By taking a little time to reflect and pause, we might not rush past the now. By appreciating the messy yards as we gently guide our kids toward better habits, we might find wonder and grace in times of correction and teaching. By looking back at their younger days...