Surprised By Joy

Surprised By Joy

I continue adding comments about my latest book, Things We’ve Handed Down.  So, it should not surprise you that today’s thoughts highlight the next chapter. This blog, and this chapter, come from the book Surprised by Joy from C.S. Lewis.  As...
Life is Mostly Edges

Life is Mostly Edges

Edges. That is what life is, mostly. Edges. Think about that today. Your life. You life as mostly edges.  Calvin Miller wrote a book about his life; titled Life is Mostly Edges: A Memoir. And I wrote about him and that book—and many of his other books, in chapter...


the night had been long. the nets, heavy with nothing. the sea, silent. the fishermen, exhausted. simon had done this before. he knew the patterns,  the places,  the patience required. but some nights,  no matter how hard they tried, the fish...
Choosing Contentment

Choosing Contentment

I used to wait for contentment to find me. I thought it would arrive when life settled a little better, when circumstances aligned just right, when age provided wisdom. I imagined contentment as a gift showing up at my door, wrapped in quietness, peace, and ease. With...
Psalm 24: Who Is He?

Psalm 24: Who Is He?

the earth is His. not mine.  not yours.  not ours. not theirs. His. every mountain, every river,  every wave, every breeze, every city, every forest,  every silent night, every crisp morning,  every person everywhere:  His. we build, we...