by Chris Maxwell | Feb 26, 2025 | Blog, Book Excerpts
Edges. That is what life is, mostly. Edges. Think about that today. Your life. You life as mostly edges. Calvin Miller wrote a book about his life; titled Life is Mostly Edges: A Memoir. And I wrote about him and that book—and many of his other books, in chapter...
by Chris Maxwell | Nov 30, 2024 | Blog, Book Excerpts
Chapter three in Things We’ve Handed Down is, like each chapter in the book, a letter. And it is, like each chapter, based on a book which impacted my life. And this chapter, like chapter two, is about wounds. We know about wounds. We have all experienced wounds. We...
by Chris Maxwell | Nov 23, 2024 | Blog, Book Excerpts
Well, if you made it through chapter one of Things We’ve Handed Down: Twelve Letters I Leave for You, please keep reading. That first chapter included comments from people about their struggles and hurts, statistics about what is wrong with this world, and reflections...
by Chris Maxwell | Oct 24, 2024 | Blog, Book Excerpts
Look at the pictures. Watch the videos. Those images and scenes from your past tell stories. They remind you of times, of feelings, of experiences. Play the songs. Those old songs from different seasons of your life. Sing along. The lyrics are embedded in your...
by Chris Maxwell | Aug 11, 2024 | Blog, Book Excerpts
Most of us hurry through life. Rarely slowing down, we rapidly race from task to task, place to place, thing to thing. I talk about this. I write about this. But I need to become so much better at slowing, at stopping, at pausing, at resting. Here are some...
by Chris Maxwell | Jun 27, 2024 | Blog, Book Excerpts
From Pause for Pastors: Finding Still Waters in the Storm of Ministry. Think about your struggles and your successes. Think about your strengths and your weaknesses. Think about your victories and defeats. Think about Jesus entering a dialogue with you and healing you...