Chris Maxwell knows first-hand that many pastors are worn out, discouraged, frazzled, beaten down and often friendless. He knows this because he spends a lot of his time encouraging weary leaders. And Pause for Pastors book flows out of his heart of encouragement. I pray the words of this book will flow like cold water on your soul to refresh and inspire you. You will receive new strength!
At first I questioned if I would find Pause for Moms to be interesting to me, a man. But to my surprise I found myself drawn into the powerful accounts of women on the journey of love, purpose, and meaning. I responded with laughter and tears as I thought of my late mother, my dear wife, my daughter and daughter-in-law: women whose lives continue to shape my life. There’s no question this is Chris Maxwell’s best book! I will personally be sharing this book with the lovely women in my life.
Pause with Jesus is more than just a book. It’s a journey. Through his words, Chris is inviting us to slow down and listen for Christ’s unmistakable voice, feel the gentle strength of His embrace, and see the timeless beauty of His work. The more you read the clearer you will see Jesus gazing back at you.

Choosing Contentment
I used to wait for contentment to find me. I thought it would arrive when life settled a little better, when circumstances aligned just right, when age provided wisdom. I imagined contentment as a gift showing up at my door, wrapped in quietness, peace, and ease. With...

Psalm 24: Who Is He?
the earth is His. not mine. not yours. not ours. not theirs. His. every mountain, every river, every wave, every breeze, every city, every forest, every silent night, every crisp morning, every person everywhere: His. we build, we...