In the Middle of Your Hurry

In the Middle of Your Hurry

In the middle of your hurry, things didn’t go just right. An unexpected disaster interrupted your agenda. An unpredicted surprise blocked the streets of your scheduled adventure. An illness, the weather, an accident, the economy, a sick child, an unpleasant call, a...
Mama Stole My Bible

Mama Stole My Bible

Mama stole my Bible. Seriously. I know it was mine—it had my name on it. But what could I do? Mama’s smile had a song in it. A song of joy and kindness and humility. Her smile was singing a song to me about how many Bibles I already had at a young age and how that one...
Still Doubting?

Still Doubting?

I’m listening to Nickel Creek’s song “Doubting Thomas” as I’m typing—seeing what words come out for this chapter. Words from my own doubt. Words from many years of internal questions and external responses. Words here in the now as I remember biblical stories and...
Dreaming While Doubting

Dreaming While Doubting

The fear of failure can lead toward not trying at all—which can be a failure. And, the stress of an unknown future can rob us of a joyful, peaceful assurance in the now. Becoming aware of our dreams and our doubts provides honest views of ourselves. Doubt is okay as...
Diversity and Unity: Praying Together

Diversity and Unity: Praying Together

Diversity and unity can help us walk out of our own doors to see the outside splendor. And it can help us walk outside those doors with a friend—of a different race or tradition or stream—walking with us. I’ve been thinking of one experience during a Sunday service at...