Have You Talked About It?

Have You Talked About It?

Decades passed. Wounds grew deep. Relationships were negatively influenced by worries. His mental dialogue replayed: Does what happened to my parents happen to everyone? Are all relationships like this? Can’t love be better? Initial reluctance to talk was obvious....
After the Death and Resurrection of Jesus

After the Death and Resurrection of Jesus

Breakfast is my friend. Breakfast moments remind me of life, of new beginnings, of community, of pausing to eat and talk and think and begin a day. I cherish the morning meals. That honest conversation I enjoyed last week with Charles when we met for breakfast at the...
The Dying

The Dying

The week ended. The week merging celebration and accusation ended. Weeks do that. They begin their sprint then rush toward a conclusion. Like stories, our weeks contain components of drama and tension and conflict and romance and resolution. To pause during our weeks...
Choose Today to Dream and Act

Choose Today to Dream and Act

Today comes once. Just once. Results from today’s decisions last a long time. A very long time. What can we do today to make a positive difference? What can we say? What stands in the way of us making that positive difference? Do we doubt ourselves? Are we controlled...