What Was Handed Down To You?

What Was Handed Down To You?

Look at the pictures. Watch the videos. Those images and scenes from your past tell stories. They remind you of times, of feelings, of experiences.  Play the songs. Those old songs from different seasons of your life. Sing along. The lyrics are embedded in your...
What’s Really Important

What’s Really Important

Don’t we all value what’s important?  We should. But maybe we don’t.  Or maybe our definitions of what’s important differ.  I place quality in many things. Like most people, I probably put too much importance on things that really have little...
Handing Good Things Down

Handing Good Things Down

My friend asked, “So, your new book is about books?” “Yes,” I said. “Each chapter title is the title of a book which impacted my life.” “I’ve looked at your bookshelves,” he said. “You have a lot of books.” My friend was correct. Many books. So many books. And those...
What Was Handed Down To You?

This is THE Day

I remember singing a song, repeating the line: “This is the day, This is the day.” Well, I’m not singing to you today. Just writing you. Just writing you about a book for you.  On this day—the release date of a new book—“This is the day that your book comes out.”...

No Pictures

I took pictures on a recent Saturday morning of our men’s breakfast gathering. Images of the food, of the entire group of guys, of individuals. But, when I wrote about the time together, I did not include the images on social media. Though I love how pictures help us...
Almost Time

Almost Time

A friend said, “Hey, Chris. What’s your new book about?” “Things Weve Handed Down is about lessons I’ve learned from books. How those books impacted my life,” I said. “Stories that have helped me find hope through disappointments and wounds.” “What is one...