Poetry for the Summer: God Moments by Scott Ellington

Poetry for the Summer: God Moments by Scott Ellington

  Welcome to “Poetry for the Summer.” This poem is by Dr. Scott Ellington God Moments by Scott Ellington Precious are the moments when awakened from a dream I see and smell and feel the fabric of God’s weaving. I find a place, small but not uncounted by...
Poetry for the Summer: poetry and words

Poetry for the Summer: poetry and words

Welcome to “Poetry for the Summer.” Today’s blog is from my book “a slow and sudden God: 40 years of wonder.” i’m thankful today for poetry. the imagery. the rhythm. the sounds. the lines. reading it, today. hearing it, now. daring my damaged brain to envision, to...
Are You Going?

Are You Going?

From the book, Pause for Pastors: Finding Still Waters in the Storm of Ministry. As I said goodbye to a congregation I dearly loved and pastored, and said yes to a new pastoral position, I wrote the article, “To Swim with Him” —-  The waves are racing toward us....
Are You Dreaming?

Are You Dreaming?

From the book, Pause: The Secret to a Better Life One Word at a Time  Sometimes prayers don’t seem to be answered. Should that stop us from praying? For me, sometimes they do. But they shouldn’t.  Even when we pray and pray and pray and pray, and those prayers go...
Contemplation by Curt Dalaba

Contemplation by Curt Dalaba

I became interested in contemplation when I got tired of doing all the talking. I thought if prayer is indeed a conversation with God, why am I involved in a monologue? I was interested in writings, both current and historical, that dealt with the topic of...