The Spiritual Discipline of Giving by Josh Hafner

The Spiritual Discipline of Giving by Josh Hafner

In life we’re given so many opportunities to flesh out faith-filled, daily obedience. In the blink of an eye, however, our time on earth expires, and we cross into eternity. Time evades our grasp like sand flowing through clenched fists. Still, in God’s sovereignty,...
Have We Tried Scripture Memorization?

Have We Tried Scripture Memorization?

This week we are emphasizing scripture memorization as our spiritual discipline. What comes to your mind as you think about it? Have you tried to memorize scripture? Can you quote some verses from the Bible?  Before my brain damage, I memorized a few portions of...
Intercession by John Henzel

Intercession by John Henzel

Scriptures:  “With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for the saints…” (Ephesians 6:18, NASB). “…Yet He Himself bore the sin of many, and interceded for the...
Unity: Wild Ideas

Unity: Wild Ideas

This week’s spiritual discipline is unity. This blog is taken from the book Pause With Jesus. Imagine a church not crafted just for one nationality, one age group, one language. A place not including just one musical style, one preaching style, one liturgical style. A...
Listening Prayer

Listening Prayer

This week’s spiritual discipline is “listening prayer.” This blog is from Pause: The Secret to a Better Life One Word at a Time We talk to God. He listens. We read God’s Word. He speaks. Call it a relationship, a renewal. Call it real life. Most of us know we...
The Spiritual Practice of Truth Telling

The Spiritual Practice of Truth Telling

I recently drove near the house where I lived my first twelve years. Parked on the lot of my elementary school which is closed now, memories rushed through the adventure of history. Feeling a basketball being dribbled on the hard ground and a shot off a backboard...