Why We Do What We Do

Why We Do What We Do

From the book Equilibrium: 31 Ways to Stay Balanced on Life’s Uneven Surfaces. Remember why you do what you do. We need to remember the why before investing too much time on the what. Remove your title and just be you. Even if others need to use your title when...
In a Crowd of People

In a Crowd of People

Here we are. After the ride, we arrived in Jacksonville. Near the water. With the crowd. Gathering with similar minds with a variety of stories, of hurts, of hopes. Schedules set. Ready for the meals, the talks, the walks, the prayers. Here we are. Listening to songs...
The Value of Nothing 

The Value of Nothing 

Are your tired this week? Do you feel overwhelmed? After recent counseling appointments with friends who are struggling with busy schedules and major stress, I thought this blog would be appropriate.  Please read. Please receive. Please apply.  I hope I...
62 Years

62 Years

What’s your favorite number? You might remember the number on your jersey when you played a sport or from one of the athletes you cheer. You might recall a date from an important life experience. You might reflect on a time of smaller numbers on prices or larger...
A Letter to My Parents

A Letter to My Parents

Dear Mama and Pops, Honestly, I don’t think y’all check email or stare at social media from heaven. And I know writing this type of blog is therapeutic for me rather than informative to either of you. But I’m writing it this way anyway. And I’m imagining the two of...
Five Guys and Two Days

Five Guys and Two Days

An iPhone app guided me to my desired location. When I arrived, I parked the car in a place I’d never visited before. I was, as usual, hoping for a good time. I knew, as expected, the schedule well. I arrived, as always, early. Though the hotel assured me in advance...