Time Together

Time Together

Yes, the ambitious waves rushed our way. I rode them. I enjoyed them—especially seeing grandchildren with me on the ocean. Yes, the meals tasted delicious. Tacos, cereal, pizza, grilled steak, and, of course, ice cream. Yes, time on the boat was calming. Riding the...
Remembering Phyllis Synan

Remembering Phyllis Synan

My friend Charles called to tell me Mrs. Synan wasn’t feeling well and had been moved to a different health care center. He knew what I needed to know and when I needed to know it.I needed to go see Phyllis.  As I drove to visit Mrs. Synan, my mind hit rewind...
1 Corinthians 13, the Maxwell Version

1 Corinthians 13, the Maxwell Version

From Pause for Pastors: Finding Still Waters in the Storm of Ministry. If I speak in public with excellence, and teach groups with brilliance, but I fail to love others, I’m of no value. If a prophetic utterance flows through my mouth, if dynamic sermons educate and...
1 Corinthians 13, the Maxwell Version

My Friends Set an Example

From the chapter “Be Faithful in the Little” in the book Equilibrium: 31 Ways to Stay Balanced on Life’s Uneven Surfaces. Pastor Basil Savoie and his wife Kathy have served in pastoral ministry for decades. Their church doesn’t hit the list of fastest growing...
Be Faithful in the Little

Be Faithful in the Little

The following is taken from the chapter “Be Faithful in the Little” in the book Equilibrium: 31 Ways to Stay Balanced on Life’s Uneven Surfaces. We live in a culture congratulating and acknowledging the large, the tall, the big. We award accomplishments when the...