A Lesson

A Lesson

Last week I spoke at a funeral service as we said goodbye to a dear friend. I saw many friends who also struggled to believe we’d never see Franz on earth again. His life taught us. Last weekend I spoke at a conference Friday through Sunday. I saw many people who...
Suggestions for a Better Life

Suggestions for a Better Life

* Look at pictures from your past. Write a story about the painful seasons and the joyful seasons of your life. Write a story about what you hope your next life chapter will be. Write a list of ways you can help that chapter become a reality.  * Select ten songs which...
Wild Ideas for 2018

Wild Ideas for 2018

– Seek to pause and find a healthy balance of hi-touch community in our hi-tech world. – Refuse to do life alone. – Study the life of one biblical character. – Seek to discover more about his or her life. – Think of how you can apply what...