by Chris Maxwell | Feb 25, 2018 | Blog, Book Excerpts
Conversations can be healthy moments. They can also be damaging. Some words—accusations, rumors, questions, rebukes—never seem to leave us. Hateful phrases uttered by a parent. Rude comments shouted by a person we thought was a friend. Strange silence when words are...
by Chris Maxwell | Feb 12, 2018 | Blog
Last week I spoke at a funeral service as we said goodbye to a dear friend. I saw many friends who also struggled to believe we’d never see Franz on earth again. His life taught us. Last weekend I spoke at a conference Friday through Sunday. I saw many people who...
by Chris Maxwell | Jan 22, 2018 | Blog, Book Excerpts
Music and memory can be friends. What are your favorite songs? Why do you like them? What are the songs which best describe your own underwater story? Why did you select those songs? What part of the song brings tears? What part brings laughter? What part brings hope?...
by Chris Maxwell | Oct 19, 2017 | Blog, Book Excerpts
I was nodding, smiling, and sometimes shedding a few tears. College students were receiving honors as they neared their graduations from the school of ministry. I had prayed with them, listened to them, laughed with them, asked them hard questions, and read their...
by Chris Maxwell | Oct 12, 2017 | Blog, Book Excerpts
Ministry is a strange collection of nouns and verbs. The people and places and things. The action. The dates and events and performances. The action. The buildings and songs and lights. The action. We live as nouns taking action. We are. We do. And we keep the...