I was nodding, smiling, and sometimes shedding a few tears. College students were receiving honors as they neared their graduations from the school of ministry. I had prayed with them, listened to them, laughed with them, asked them hard questions, and read their honest journals.

I was happy to see them finishing well, but I was also personally sad to see them go.

What could I say to them as I talked? What reminders could I offer?

I wanted, and want them to experience God and ministry and life with the balance of risk and caution. Isn’t that life?

Isn’t that ministry? Isn’t that God?

He invites us to Himself—but dare we come? How close should we approach Him? How near until we die? He assigns us to serve—but does He really know us?

Do our weaknesses inhibit or prohibit our ministry success? He calls us to declare good news—but what if we doubt it ourselves?

Do our feelings always need to match our agreed upon beliefs?

The best way to proceed, and the best way to take today’s steps is with wild wisdom.

Let us say yes to God’s calling and be cautious.

Let us say yes to God’s calling and be risky.


October is #PastorAppreciationMonth. Write thank you notes. Pray. Speak words of encouragement. And purchase copies of Pause for Pastors to give away as gifts to clergy.