Wild Ideas for 2018

Wild Ideas for 2018

– Seek to pause and find a healthy balance of hi-touch community in our hi-tech world. – Refuse to do life alone. – Study the life of one biblical character. – Seek to discover more about his or her life. – Think of how you can apply what...
What Ifs for 2018

What Ifs for 2018

What if we decided to care more for others in 2018? Should we? Why? What would become different? Who would notice? Would it matter if anyone noticed?  What if we decided to take care better of ourselves in 2018? Should we? What would that mean? How would that look?...
Entering 2018

Entering 2018

Time travels rapidly. Another year ends; a new year is beginning.  What should you do about it?  We can’t slow the pace of time but we can learn from our past. We can’t change the dates but we can pursue clear goals. We shouldn’t live in denial but we should face...
#Books: Voices I Heard in 2016

#Books: Voices I Heard in 2016

I love words. Stories and poems and songs choose words. We see and hear those words. Our minds process their meanings and seek methods of application. Our souls can, if we allow them, embrace the stories. Our lives shift–slightly or drastically, intentionally or...