by Chris Maxwell | Apr 22, 2018 | Blog, Book Excerpts
Pausing doesn’t end correctly by concluding with a time of respite and reflection. Those are appetizers preparing us to be the people we truly crave to be. It isn’t all internal. It moves us forward, upward, outward. What do we become? World changers. Lovers. Friends....
by Chris Maxwell | Feb 25, 2018 | Blog, Book Excerpts
Conversations can be healthy moments. They can also be damaging. Some words—accusations, rumors, questions, rebukes—never seem to leave us. Hateful phrases uttered by a parent. Rude comments shouted by a person we thought was a friend. Strange silence when words are...
by Chris Maxwell | Feb 20, 2018 | Blog, Book Excerpts
Imagine Jesus looking at two lists. One is a list of your talents, your gifts, your personality. The other list is your weaknesses and poor decisions. Think of Him turning to you and beginning a conversation of encouragement. What would He say? How would you feel?...
by Chris Maxwell | Aug 3, 2016 | Blog, Book Excerpts
Today’s blog is from Chris’ book, Pause for Moms. Purchase it HERE or on Kindle from Amazon. Doesn’t God often glance at our structured schedules all laid out in our iPads and sneak His holy hands into our days? Doesn’t He sometimes hit a caution light or...