by Chris Maxwell | Aug 21, 2017 | Blog
A short guy climbing a tree to see over the heads of a crowd intrigues us. Discouragement over his stature and the size of a crowd could have derailed the pursuit of his dream. Zacchaeus did not let that stop him; his determination overruled his dilemma. He...
by Chris Maxwell | Jun 2, 2017 | Book Excerpts
Recently, my mind flooded with wild thoughts. What if Jesus came here? What if He came here today? No, I don’t mean His second coming. I mean His first. Suppose He was born in a homeless shelter in downtown Orlando. Since the stars are dimmed by the glare of city...
by Chris Maxwell | Jan 19, 2017 | Blog, Book Excerpts
Excerpt taken from Pause With Jesus.You can purchase your copy HERE. Jesus started the evening by getting the disciples away from the crowd. Some lessons must be learned in darkness, away from noise—even religious noise. In silence Jesus reveals Himself to us in ways...
by Chris Maxwell | Mar 28, 2016 | Blog, Book Excerpts
(from Pause with Jesus: Entering His Story in Everyday Life by Chris Maxwell, True Potential, 2015 – from Chapter Three: “The Journey” – to purchase visit: Amazon) Hear Jesus calling religious leaders hypocrites and snakes. Hear Jesus...