by Chris Maxwell | Feb 25, 2018 | Blog, Book Excerpts
Conversations can be healthy moments. They can also be damaging. Some words—accusations, rumors, questions, rebukes—never seem to leave us. Hateful phrases uttered by a parent. Rude comments shouted by a person we thought was a friend. Strange silence when words are...
by Chris Maxwell | Feb 20, 2018 | Blog, Book Excerpts
Imagine Jesus looking at two lists. One is a list of your talents, your gifts, your personality. The other list is your weaknesses and poor decisions. Think of Him turning to you and beginning a conversation of encouragement. What would He say? How would you feel?...
by Chris Maxwell | Feb 2, 2018 | Blog, Book Excerpts
* Look at pictures from your past. Write a story about the painful seasons and the joyful seasons of your life. Write a story about what you hope your next life chapter will be. Write a list of ways you can help that chapter become a reality. * Select ten songs which...
by Chris Maxwell | Jan 29, 2018 | Blog, Book Excerpts
What if we took time this year, this week, this day to do things we know are best for us? And best for others? Things like these: Listening well. Caring deeply. Enduring an adventure when we feel like quitting. Spending time with people who need someone who will...
by Chris Maxwell | Jan 6, 2018 | Blog, Book Excerpts
While pastoring I also learned diversity and unity through normal everyday life and through once-in-a-lifetime accomplishments. Each incident we encounter can become a study of its own, a moment of the holy, a bump into God’s grace, a glance into His face, a holding...