Pause: Engaging

Pause: Engaging

Do you feel alone today? Is your life in the singular? If so, find a support group. Be proactive and pursue help. Engage in the plural—a life no longer alone. No, people won’t fully understand and relate to your struggle. Yes, there will always be issues only you can...
Encephalitis: A Word I can Remember   

Encephalitis: A Word I can Remember  

After reviewing the tests, the doctors decided what to call it. A name I had never known before. A name I struggled to remember then. A name I will never forget: encephalitis. The calendar called it March 1996. My body chose a different march, a lonely march, a march...
Pause: Enduring

Pause: Enduring

– Today’s blog is from the book Pause: The Secret to a Better Life, One Word at a Time. Pick up your copy on Amazon or HERE   Glance back at the words we’ve considered in the last few chapters: believing, celebrating, dancing, dreaming. It would be nice if...
Pause: Dreaming

Pause: Dreaming

– Today’s blog is from the book Pause: The Secret to a Better Life, One Word at a Time. Pick up your copy on Amazon or RIGHT HERE. Our prayers are often not answered the way we hoped. That doesn’t mean they aren’t answered. It might mean they are answered better...
Pause: Dreaming

Pause: Doubting

– Today’s blog is from the book Pause: The Secret to a Better Life, One Word at a Time. Pick up your copy on Amazon or right HERE.   The unknown. It’s staring at us all. Will it promote our risks or prohibit them? Five years from today, will we look back...
My Brain is On My Mind

My Brain is On My Mind

In March I was honored to attend and speak at FACES 2015 Encephalitis Conference in Las Vegas. I was reminded that while so many of us who have experienced encephalitis feel alone, we aren’t. And, that while so many family members of those with encephalitis feel...