Many and a Few

Many and a Few

Excerpt taken from Pause With Jesus.You can purchase your copy HERE.   Christ displayed both extremes. He faced the crowds: miraculous healings, food for the throng coming from an unexpected source, multitudes of people listening to hear His stories, skeptics...
Fearful and Brave

Fearful and Brave

Excerpt taken from Pause for Pastors.You can purchase your copy HERE or on Amazon.   Fear and bravery invite us to pause. To notice a moment and make a decision. To be in awe while choosing to still pursue a conversation with God. Pause and choose to be fearfully...
Nobodies Becoming Somebodies

Nobodies Becoming Somebodies

Excerpt taken from Pause With Jesus.You can purchase your copy HERE. We’ve probably heard about “becoming like a child.” In the context of the story, Jesus made one point. We don’t need to add more meanings; Christ’s lesson is challenging enough: “Whoever humbles...
Away From the Crowd

Away From the Crowd

Excerpt taken from Pause With Jesus.You can purchase your copy HERE. Jesus started the evening by getting the disciples away from the crowd. Some lessons must be learned in darkness, away from noise—even religious noise. In silence Jesus reveals Himself to us in ways...
Love: A Christmas I Remember

Love: A Christmas I Remember

(from Unwrapping His Presence: What We Really Need for Christmas.)   Dear Mama, I miss you. How many years now? I have trouble remembering. I have no trouble though, remembering you. Forever. That cancer came and left and came again. You cared and lived and then,...
Baby: A Christmas Cry

Baby: A Christmas Cry

Baby: A Christmas Cry (from Unwrapping His Presence: What We Really Need for Christmas)   i am an infant, crawling around on the floor. staring up at the stairway, i long to rise; stand, walk, run, climb, ascend to the top and meet God. but i am a baby, incapable...