The Spiritual Discipline of Celebration 

The Spiritual Discipline of Celebration 

I remember celebrating. At Christmas. On birthdays. At weddings. On vacations. Celebrations of victories, of memories, of worship, of goals accomplished, of games won. What do you remember celebrating? This week’s spiritual discipline is celebration. I love reading...
The Spiritual Discipline of Celebration

The Spiritual Discipline of Celebration

(This is our third week of conversations about various spiritual practices. After Bible Study in week one and Community in week two, we now focus on Celebration. Today’s blog is a story from the book Pause: The Secret to a Better Life One Word at a Time.) I originally...
Community by Dr. Mike Luper

Community by Dr. Mike Luper

(Today we continue our conversation about various spiritual disciplines. This week we focus on “community.”)   Have you noticed that throughout life you have desired to be part of a group. Starting as small children, if there is a group of children playing, another...
The Spiritual Discipline of Community by Clarke Sowell

The Spiritual Discipline of Community by Clarke Sowell

(This is week two of our emphasis on various examples of spiritual beliefs, awareness, and personal growth. We are emphasizing community. Too many people live in isolation. Other people are too dependent on the opinions of others. But true community includes healthy...
Reading Scripture by Scott Ellington

Reading Scripture by Scott Ellington

(Today’s blog continues a new series on spiritual disciplines, or ways we communicate with God. The collection will include various writers who offer their thoughts on methods of spiritual development. This week’s focus is on Scripture Reading.)   Christians of...