by Chris Maxwell | Jan 27, 2024 | Blog
We form opinions. About life. About things. About other people. When other people grow and develop and change, some people refuse to see such growth or development or change. They previously formed conclusions and refuse to change those opinions. They lock their...
by Chris Maxwell | Jan 7, 2024 | Blog, Book Excerpts
From the book Equilibrium: 31 Ways to Stay Balanced on Life’s Uneven Surfaces. I could not drive my normal route to the Atlanta airport. My phone informed me in advance where to turn and what roads to take. I expected the redirection. I had read the story. ...
by Chris Maxwell | Dec 28, 2023 | Blog
The Christmas tree didn’t state many words last night. As I removed lights and decorations, as I carried her outside in the rain and dropped her off near the road, as Debbie Maxwell and I breathed deeply to enjoy her aroma one more time, she didn’t say much. But this...
by Chris Maxwell | Dec 18, 2023 | Blog
shepherds in the fieldswatching their flocks,like always,doing the normal,staying in the routine,following the plan,not knowingthe normal was shifting,the routine was moving,a deeper plan was unfolding,as angels camecausing initial fear,then a chance forthe shepherds...
by Chris Maxwell | Dec 14, 2023 | Blog, Book Excerpts
From the Christmas gift book, Unwrapping His Presence. Christmas comes and goes. A new year arrives and picks up speed. During the final month, weeks, days of this year, what are our plans? Will we purchase and pack, give and receive, eat and enjoy? Will we laugh or...
by Chris Maxwell | Nov 27, 2023 | Blog, Book Excerpts
From Underwater: When Encephalitis, Brian Injury and Epilepsy Change Everything. In my book Underwater, some grief will come out. Some pain will be released. But join me. Please join me on the voyage into my own Neverland, my own Narnia, my own life underwater. Find...