Away From the Crowd

Away From the Crowd

Excerpt taken from Pause With Jesus.You can purchase your copy HERE. Jesus started the evening by getting the disciples away from the crowd. Some lessons must be learned in darkness, away from noise—even religious noise. In silence Jesus reveals Himself to us in ways...
A Poem: Death and Life from Adam to Christ

A Poem: Death and Life from Adam to Christ

one man can change the future. one thought, one decision, one act. i am here because many individuals changed the world through their thoughts, decisions, actions. david repented and asked for mercy. augustine used his intellect to search out the riches of God. martin...
Encephalitis, Epilepsy and Hope

Encephalitis, Epilepsy and Hope

– The following is from Chris Maxwell’s book, Changing My Mind.   Now? I know so much about knowing less. I still study to obtain information and to grasp my recovery, my reality. Encephalitis. The cause of my effect of not knowing. It surprises you. Like a...