

We are busy. Very busy.  We are in a hurry. Always.  As we rush we miss so much. A face, a voice, a life, a story. An opportunity, an event. A need. A song, a sentence, a note, a need. The multiple methods of immediately obtaining information keeps us aware of...
A Note to Pastors

A Note to Pastors

Dear Pastors, Leadership is important. Servant leadership is the Jesus example. Follow His method.   Don’t just see yourself as a typical CEO Leader. Lead, yes, but as a mentor, coach, counselor, servant.   Be honored to serve as a pastor. Do not take...
Another Anniversary of My Damaged Brain

Another Anniversary of My Damaged Brain

Each year I remember. Each day I recall why I so often forget. Last month I visited Orlando – the wonderful city where the not-so-wonderful illness of encephalitis almost caused my life to end. I spoke about my time in the hospital and the long term results of that...