by Chris Maxwell | Apr 29, 2021 | Blog, Book Excerpts
from the book embracing now: pain, joy, healing, living we tend to preferhide and seek.we are adults playingkids’ games, but in real life.we desperately desireto discuss a topicwe never mention.will it bring itself up?we hope so,we wait tonotice an appearance,or...
by Chris Maxwell | Apr 26, 2021 | Blog, Book Excerpts
from the book embracing now: pain, joy, healing, living. their expectationsexceed reality,transitioning momentsinto fictional drama. missing simplistic value,their rankingis a deceitful diagnosisof authentic love. welcome the raw. reject the show. excellence...
by Chris Maxwell | Apr 20, 2021 | Blog, Book Excerpts
from the book embracing now: pain, joy, healing, living . our location,our desired entertainment,our preferences,our purchases,our favorites:yes, they are tracking us. foods and songs and colors,sizes and styles and flavors,miles and lanes and moods. but, as our...
by Chris Maxwell | Apr 14, 2021 | Blog, Book Excerpts
From the book embracing now: pain, joy, healing, living. his words told me the number of daysof freedom.his facial expression and tone of voicetold me more.time has traveled as he’s pursued freedomfrom his lifestyle of dependence;peace has taken the place of...
by Chris Maxwell | Apr 4, 2021 | Blog, Book Excerpts
Easter ended. Last week reminded followers of Jesus the price paid to welcome them. A high price. The price of Christ’s life was given. Last week people reflected, remembered, and rejoiced at the end of the story. An end—as good narratives allow—that’s actually a...
by Chris Maxwell | Mar 30, 2021 | Blog, Book Excerpts
from the book embracing now: pain, joy, healing, living saturday now.morning moments ofreading, writing,praying, can i spell the word“therapy” this way:poetry?as time travels,words join in,moving, advancing,then stopping,to dare us to stareat now.and...