Different People and Traditions: Together

Different People and Traditions: Together

Diversity and unity can help us walk out of our own doors to see the outside splendor. And it can help us walk outside those doors with a friend—of a different race or tradition or stream—walking with us. I’ve been thinking of one experience during a Sunday service at...


from the book embracing now: pain, joy, healing, living  sudden and harsh responses,or no replies at all. invalid validationin various forms:tone of voice,facial expressions,direction, if any, of the eyes. repetition, reservation, characterization,manipulation,...
But I Don’t Have Time

But I Don’t Have Time

“I would love to. I just don’t have the time.”“If I only had more time.”“There’s no time in my busy schedule for that.”“It’s a good idea, but there’s no way I could make it happen.”Have your heard those comments?Have you stated those comments?I have. And I have.We are...
Thoughts and Questions for the Summer

Thoughts and Questions for the Summer

What another odd year 2021 has already been. We are moving through spring and toward summer, and each of us could tell stories about adjusting to change. Uncertainty and questions and confusion seem to be traveling with us. As we continue in this adventure of life in...
But I Don’t Have Time

so much so suddenly

from the book embracing now: pain, joy, healing, living. running, running, running,  racing to or from,  rapidly, aggressively,  unaware of now,  a thought, another thought,  a mood, another mood,  so much so suddenly,  rushing from...
defeating tendencies

defeating tendencies

from the book embracing now: pain, joy, healing, living  we tend to preferhide and seek.we are adults playingkids’ games, but in real life.we desperately desireto discuss a topicwe never mention.will it bring itself up?we hope so,we wait tonotice an appearance,or...