Friends and Words and Healing

Friends and Words and Healing

When your early morning text includes a collection of encouraging sentences, the busy day begins with a smile. When your day’s schedule includes a visit with a neurologist, positive words bring the ideal mental breakfast. Yes, there is much hurt in our world. Yes, we...
Comments To Students

Comments To Students

As we started the new school year at Emmanuel University, I asked faculty and staff to offer their suggestions to students. I’m including their words here. No matter your age or educational experience, read these thoughts. They apply to each of us. Whatever...
Emmanuel University: Where We Meet God Together

Emmanuel University: Where We Meet God Together

[2] There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up. [3] So Moses thought, “I will go over and see this strange sight—why the bush does not burn up.” [4] When the...
Be Careful

Be Careful

Be careful about what’s playing in your mental station. Be careful about hitting replay or turning up the volume.  Pursue better thoughts.  Refuse dependence on the applause or approval of others.  Do not rely on feelings.  Trust your Creator rather than all those...
Words From Others

Words From Others

In this blog I’m including words written by other authors. I’m selecting quotes I’ve already used in my books.  I thought about my favorite authors and their books as we had to move all of my many, many, many books to a new office.  A few times I had to open the books...
Pursuing Help

Pursuing Help

From the book Equilibrium: 31 Ways to Stay Balanced on Life’s Uneven Surfaces You might be reading this thinking, “I tried.” You might be reading this thinking, “Nothing worked.” I am sorry.   Sometimes our hurts are so deep the wounds never seem to heal. I...