Pastor Appreciation

Pastor Appreciation

Pastor Appreciation Day 2019 is October 13. As the 2nd Sunday of the Pastor Appreciation Month, the goal is to honor those serving in pastoral ministry.  Here are some ways we can honor our pastors:  – Be kind to them.  – Send notes of...
Forgetting Names and Facing Reality

Forgetting Names and Facing Reality

This blog is from my book, Changing My Mind: A Journey of Disability and Joy.   My damaged brain tells me that building a wall for hiding isn’t the answer. Neither is waging a war of anger. Facing reality is.  Maybe I can learn from Jacob, refusing to let his midnight...
The Early Church and Today

The Early Church and Today

Let’s take a glance at the early church. Not the first event in a modern multi-service, multi-site congregation. Not ancient spiritual gatherings in America or England. Let’s look at descriptions of the church’s beginnings in the book of Acts:  [1] When the day of...