hope for healing

hope for healing

a heavy fear.a haunting lure. those initial thoughts.those original feelings. yes, they are there.yes, they are loud. no, they should not control us. be aware of them.process the “what”and the “why.” but beware of them.refuse to let them ruleyour decisions. talk to...
fifteen days of cold

fifteen days of cold

remembering fifteen dayswith a fewback-home-momentsafter the first five,before the last five. praying and waiting,unsure and hopeful,encouragement from friendseased the stress.  breathe deeply, now.relax muscles, now.think positively, now. i listened.podcasts,...
“new year, day two”

“new year, day two”

i checked my phone’s calendarfor confirmationof what day today is. they,these days,confuse me. they,these days,concern me. unanticipated, unforeseen,unannounced, unplanned. we’ve all had decembersof disturbance before.we’ll all have more. but this jolt has left me...
the fog

the fog

driving in the fogearly saturday morningto an airport and back,driving in the fogsaturday morning and eveningto and from a hospital,driving in the fogto our church gatheringsunday morning,reminded me of life. some days,some seasons,some roads,we barely seewhere we’re...


thanksgiving arrives soon,hurrying her way here.i can already see the colorsand hear the soundsand smell the memoriesof meals and gatheringsand family and time.the choice.choosing to be thankful.to voice the thankfulness,the appreciation,the gratitude. not obligation....