Contentment and Dissatisfaction

Contentment and Dissatisfaction

Excerpt taken from Pause for Pastors.You can purchase your copy HERE or on Amazon.   From silence to noise, from waiting to a miracle, from war to peace. Intense and contradictory realities. That is history. That is life. And life as a pastor provides a wonderful...
Weeping and Rejoicing

Weeping and Rejoicing

Travel brings new glances into beauty and fresh perspectives of pain. We live in a world covered with both: we rejoice then weep; we embrace pleasure then work to endure hard times; we smile then shake our heads while watching the news. I cherish the healthy...
1 Word

1 Word

After our youngest son’s wedding last weekend, I thought of this word. While seeing so many people I’ve known for so many years, I thought of this word. On my 35th wedding anniversary with Debbie today, I’m thinking again of this word. It’s a...
A Note to Pastors

A Note to Pastors

Dear Pastors, Leadership is important. Servant leadership is the Jesus example. Follow His method.   Don’t just see yourself as a typical CEO Leader. Lead, yes, but as a mentor, coach, counselor, servant.   Be honored to serve as a pastor. Do not take...