Pause: Breathing

Pause: Breathing

Pause: Breathing – Today’s blog is from the book Pause: The Secret to a Better Life, One Word at a Time. Pick up your copy on Amazon or at: We can choose to pause. A glance out the window instead of rushing to the computer. A walk...

Pause: Believing

Monday, February 16, 2015 (From the book Pause: The Secret to a Better Life, One Word at a Time by Chris Maxwell) Worry. Being safe. Most of us live lives controlled by those words. Take a step. Trust God. Most of us live with desires to do that. Today, how can we...

Pause: Balancing

Monday, February 9, 2015 (From the book Pause: The Secret to a Better Life, One Word at a Time by Chris Maxwell)   The experts inform us about the importance of a balanced diet. Various food groups in correct amounts work well with the people who also choose to...

Pause: Adding

Monday, February 2, 2015 (From the book Pause: The Secret to a Better Life, One Word at a Time by Chris Maxwell)   I know. It isn’t easy. Adding another relationship, another duty, another task, another anything to an already-too-busy-life never is. We live in a...
Pause: Accepting

Pause: Accepting

Monday, January 26, 2015 (From the book Pause: The Secret to a Better Life, One Word at a Time by Chris Maxwell)   “There’s not really much here. Not very much up here, at all.” The nice lady at the convenience store had good intentions. Hearing about my...

Baby: A Christmas Cry

From Chris Maxwell’s book Unwrapping His Presence: What We Really Need for Christmas Galatians 4:4–7 (The Message) But when the time arrived that was set by God the Father, God sent his Son, born among us of a...