From the Christmas gift book, Unwrapping His Presence.

Christmas comes and goes. A new year arrives and picks up speed.

During the final month, weeks, days of this year, what are our plans? Will we purchase and pack, give and receive, eat and enjoy? Will we laugh or cry? Will we drive or fly? Can we afford what we hope to buy?

Often, while rushing to get ahead, we get behind. The wrapping and the eating and the singing and the meeting pack calendars, leaving no room in our inns. We hide hurt; we deny truth; we lose that loving feeling.

Events of temporary worth rob time to invest in permanent value.

But we can change that.

Let us pause to notice the tidings of comfort and joy.

Let us pause.

Let us notice.



They are available, like stars of wonder, stars of light. Those choosing to pause and notice can then see what is waiting to be observed.

Comfort and joy.

Don’t you need those two gifts this year? Can’t they calm you and thrill you? Even during noisy nights and seasons with war on earth, can’t we receive the gifts of comfort and joy?