From the chapter “Be Faithful in the Little” in the book Equilibrium: 31 Ways to Stay Balanced on Life’s Uneven Surfaces.

Pastor Basil Savoie and his wife Kathy have served in pastoral ministry for decades. Their church doesn’t hit the list of fastest growing congregations in their denomination. Their Sunday morning attendance doesn’t gather the attention of the latest assessment. But their hearts are revealed by their faithfulness to things which might be considered small by some. They teach well. They love deep. They listen and cry and serve and give. They are consistent, caring, hopeful, sincere.

That is the Jesus way. That is the kingdom way. That brings equilibrium in the uneven surfaces of our culture.

Basil and Kathy don’t only pastor the church which meets in the sanctuary on Sunday mornings; they pastor families at a school which meets on their property—even if those people do not become official members of the congregation. They pastor families they meet each Saturday morning for breakfast at a nearby restaurant—even if those people do not become official members of the congregation. It isn’t about those folks’ attendance inside a building. It is about Basil and Kathy attending to the needs nearby.

I remember sitting with Basil at that restaurant. I tried to have a conversation with him while people from the community came one after another stating their needs, mentioning their prayer requests, voicing their appreciation, providing their humor, and asking their questions. Basil listened, deeply loving. I watched, almost crying.

Basil doesn’t push for an applause.

Basil doesn’t depend on the dependence of others.

Basil leads a church service in a sanctuary with a pulpit, a microphone, a band, and a screen.

Basil also brings church through service as he and Kathy place orders for their meals and show love through their kindness.

I have learned much through the years from Basil. And from the Jesus I see in Basil. His faithfulness in the small, in the hidden, in the unnoticed dares me to seek equilibrium.

I want to become more like Basil.

I want to become more like Jesus.