I wrote the poem a few years ago. 

I wrote the poem while reading, studying, and writing a book about the life of Jesus. 

I recently reflected on the poem again. 

I recently joined students as we thought about the poem together. 

Please read it yourself. It is a chapter titled “The Worry” in my book Pause with Jesus.

Read it. Aloud. Slowly. 

Read it again. Slowly again. 

Watch this video of my students reading the poem: 

Take time to process your own worries. 

Ask Jesus to help you. Invite Jesus into your worry. Think about His stories. Invite Jesus into your story. 

Listen. Learn. 

Read. Receive. Today. 

Imagine how His presence can edit, guide, redirect, change your own story. 

And however you feel and whatever you’re facing, try to remember today what I’m trying to remember today, that we are part of “a story which ends so well.”