-Today’s blog is from the book Pause: The Secret to a Better Life, One Word at a Time. Pick up your copy on Amazon or HERE



During a recent discussion with a friend, I emphasized the importance of revisiting. Revisiting past experiences we seek to deny or avoid, revisiting healthy life seasons, revisiting songs or days or events. Revisiting conversations or confrontations, sermons or stories, smiles or tears.

The reason for a healthy revisit or return isn’t to dwell on past pain. We don’t need to become obsessed by previous occurrences. Many of us fail by never moving beyond our past pain and mistakes. But the purpose of this return is to reinforce a willingness to move through, to endure, to forgive, to pursue new days in new ways. Or, to replay positives when love with God and others was more genuine, more pure, more real.

After that conversation with a friend, I decided to revisit words I wrote while studying how Jesus welcomed people around Him. In my busyness to lead and teach and write and mentor, I must never fail by forgetting what matters most. A revisit can help. It can reinforce. It can remind. And it can re-invite me to live as a recipient of the best invitation of all time.