From the book Equilibrium.
The nutritional miracles and astonishing health offers abound. The people who exercise are everywhere. I see them. Don’t you? You might be one of them. Running and walking and riding and lifting and stretching and bending and pushing and pulling and whatever-else-they-are-doing. That is good. Moving from poor diets and little exercise toward healthy eating and making that heartbeat better is good.
Usually. If done correctly and for the right reasons. If done with balance.
But that isn’t always the case.
That jogger might be running with the wrong motives. That cautious eater might be eating with a little too much caution. That workout guru might be seeking something unattainable.
Danger comes in this area, like in other areas, in extremes.
Balanced diets are good. Balanced approaches to exercising our bodies and our brains are much better than obsessions.
Unfortunately, the equilibrium is often forgotten. Excesses are the norm. We are often either all the way in or all the way out.
My goal is balance. Better health choices while not allowing a lifestyle to become an obsession. Passion is okay. Ambition is needed. Determination is necessary. But our bodies and our brains work better when we recognize their roles, rather than allowing them to control us.
Do you take care of your body? How? Why? Do you take care of your brain? Why? How? What are things you can do the right way for the right reasons to bring a better balance to your physical and mental development? Where is Jesus in this story?
I think back to the time Patti Worrell worked as my speech therapist after a serious illness damaged my brain. I was not a good student. I did not always follow her advice. But now, I have chosen to be a lifetime student. I try to listen to Patti’s guidance from long ago.
Listen. Learn. Change.
And pray.
Let this all be about you letting God guide you toward equilibrium. Find what is best for you and begin today.
We have so many decisions in our lives, and we can sometimes make bad choices because of various different outside sources. We strive for equilibrium in our lives, but we are the ones who tip the scales toward evil.
Decisions are something that I always find hard. I used to make bad decisions and not realise until there was a consequence, its about finding balance on when to make what decisions. It is easy to focus on others but its also extremely important to focus on ourselves.
We make decisions every day but why do we do them? Sometimes the decisions I make aren’t balanced or aren’t for health reasons. It’s hard to not get caught up in the fray, so often we get addicted to doing things even if we know it’s not good for us. This blog reminds us of that.
As we get older we develop more responsibilities and with that comes more expectations and more decisions to make. Being in college has a been a great experience for learning how to make many of these decisions because many of us are now on our own. On your own it is very easy to make impulse decisions whether good or bad so having a little guidance will never hurt anyone. Trying to find a way to fit Jesus into these decisions and will allow a more balance life, learning, and change for the better.
The older I get the bigger my life decisions become and I am stuck with making a choice. Sometimes it could be the wrong one or it could be the decision I never choose to take. I must allow myself to trust Jesus in these moments to know that if I leave it in His hands then everything will work out.
I pray that I find balance in my life, I am guilty of having obsessive tendencies whether it is in my sport, food, or even my faith. I worry that I am not doing enough, not eating the right things, or not spending enough time with God. I work really hard at all these things at the same time which always results in burnout. I am slowly getting better but finding balance is something I need in life.
I feel as though extremes are easier to recognize compared to the middle or equilibrium. Equilibrium is a state of complete unconscious balance which is why it is more difficult to realize when we are there. The problem becomes when we are at one extreme for an extended period it will start to feel like equilibrium, however it is a false sense, meaning at some point you will fall. This is why it is important to have community or close friends who are able to bring you back to a steady balance.
Decisions that we make ultimately guide us down the path of life we choose. As someone who has been so adamant and determined to life a healthy life, maintain a healthy diet, sleep schedule, I often forget my healthy amount of time with Jesus. I’ve recently been intentional about setting aside time for bible study and quiet time, this is a healthier decision I’ve made rather than wasting my time on other things. I needed the reminded that aside from sports, hobbies, dieting, and lifting, Jesus needs also to be in your schedule. I need to continue to pray, change, and listen in my day-to-day when thinking about making decisions.