

It’s baseball season. I know. Some of you might not enjoy the game. Some of you might not understand the game. Some of you might not have time for the game. I’m not writing this to explain or defend the game of baseball. I’m not writing this to confess my love of the...
Silence is Your Medicine

Silence is Your Medicine

Silence is Your Medicine The cost of medications doesn’t put a smile on my face. Decisions being made by insurance companies bring frustration to my mind. I try to see the positive. I try to be thankful and optimistic. But it’s not always easy when big business and...
Let’s Care

Let’s Care

From the book Equilibrium. Yes, people cause hurts.  Yes, like us, other people are weak.  But caring for people is what makes us different. Caring for people is what really matters. Whatever our unique giftings and talents, I hope we all have this in common: I...
Better Choices

Better Choices

From the book Equilibrium. The nutritional miracles and astonishing health offers abound. The people who exercise are everywhere. I see them. Don’t you? You might be one of them. Running and walking and riding and lifting and stretching and bending and pushing and...
The Stories

The Stories

I love stories. Good, creative, interesting stories. Not just the stories from screens. TV or theater or computers or phones or any of our other many devices. Not just stories in the news reports or sports scores or latest songs. But the stories from normal people in...