new glasses

new glasses

From a slow and sudden God: 40 years of wonder. eating dinner with a friendwho was wearing his new glassesrevealed that his visionneeded help seeingthrough this lensto get a better view,to see correctly. i listened again to his wordsand his stories—a contradiction of...
Slow the Pace

Slow the Pace

Pause for Moms: Finding Rest in a Too Busy World What’s your prescription to slow the pace? Make it personal. Think about your doctor sitting near you and asking, “What is your daily routine?” How would you respond? What would be your confession? Confessions allow us...
Quotes to Read and Remember

Quotes to Read and Remember

As I’m researching and reading and writing my next book, I’ve stopped many times. When thinking a new thought, when recalling an old story, or when reading another writer’s words, I pause. To think. To reflect. To see what the words are saying to me. I’m including...


We form opinions. About life. About things. About other people. When other people grow and develop and change, some people refuse to see such growth or development or change. They previously formed conclusions and refuse to change those opinions. They lock their...