from the book embracing now: pain, joy, healing, living.
running, running, running,
racing to or from,
rapidly, aggressively,
unaware of now,
a thought, another thought,
a mood, another mood,
so much so suddenly,
rushing from a something
to another something,
emphatically urgent
but forgetting why,
turning from and toward,
a quick cascade of casualties
unnoticed because
of more hurried thoughts.
unaware of reality,
this reality,
of a word, of a face,
of a choice, of a place,
invisible truth,
unheard conversations,
beside, near.
what is missed?
much, very much.
dialogue, where
stories are told,
stories are heard,
eye to eye,
heart to heart,
a healing of community,
a process of authenticity,
a development of transformation.
slow, please slow.
see, please see.
observe, please observe.
stop the sprint.
sit. be still.
pay attention.
one thing at a time,
only one thing at a time,
here, aware,
refusing to run,
choosing to rest,
fully aware of
Such perfect timing that this arrived today. Thank you Chris!!
Thank you.
I feel like I am busier than I have ever been. It’s crazy. Always thinking of what’s gotta be done next.
Not just physically busy, but mentally busy! Thx
It is not easy to hit “pause.” But it is so important.
If I don’t fiercely protect my morning quiet time with the Lord, I can’t possibly listen to Him throughout the day. It’s critical to my well-being and to the ministry He has called me to.
I am the same way. I love my early morning conversations with Him.