What If

What If

What if we really loved one another?What if we hoped for good in other people? What if we chose to forgive those who have hurt us? What if we respected those we disagree with? What if we listened well? What if we asked questions and listened to the answers? What if...
Epilepsy and Caregivers

Epilepsy and Caregivers

People with epilepsy aren’t the only ones in this story. Think of the caregivers. Think of those in the medical and psychological fields. Think of neighbors and employers and teachers. It’s not easy being us. But it’s also not always easy being with us. Maybe we can’t...
A Note to Pastors

A Note to Pastors

Dear Pastors, Leadership is important. Servant leadership is the Jesus example. Follow His method.   Don’t just see yourself as a typical CEO Leader. Lead, yes, but as a mentor, coach, counselor, servant.   Be honored to serve as a pastor. Do not take...