Ancient Words Needed Today

Ancient Words Needed Today

A friend asked me, “Why doesn’t Jesus talk to us today?”  I responded with a question of my own, “What makes you think He doesn’t?” A long conversation followed. I appreciated his honesty and uncertainty. We discussed various ways—some healthy and some...
Enter the Stories of Jesus

Enter the Stories of Jesus

From the book Pause With Jesus: Encountering His Story in Everyday Life As we continue our experience of Pause with Jesus, we hope to not live in denial of our own stories. We seek to invite Jesus into our stories, or to realize He’s invited Himself, and to respond to...
Three Questions to Ask Yourself

Three Questions to Ask Yourself

Take time to ask yourself these three questions. Before you answer, think slowly and deeply about each one. Where is your nourishment? More than those scrambled eggs. More than that lasagna. More that the health food. Think about what is bringing nourishment to your...
The Worry: A Few Voices to Remind Us

The Worry: A Few Voices to Remind Us

I wrote the poem a few years ago.  I wrote the poem while reading, studying, and writing a book about the life of Jesus.  I recently reflected on the poem again.  I recently joined students as we thought about the poem together.  Please read it yourself. It is a...


from the book embracing now: pain, joy, healing, living  the assembling of shadows,reflections in black and white,images incorrectly displayingsize and shape,correctly and curiouslydeclaring the presenceof more. light shines from a location,stares forward,acting like...
in the back

in the back

a poem from the book embracing now: pain, joy, healing, living  an impulse can become destructive.or it can deliberately beginan extravagant pummeling of madness,a process of healing whichcan help vanish a stagnated landscapeof life, letting flaresof liturgy draw...