The Lord is my father,

He never leaves me hanging for his love.

He knows me inside and out,

And knows when sleep is the remedy I need.

He surrounds me with peace.

His love restores my hope and my joy. 

He keeps me from temptation.

He drives

And He teaches me the goodness of His directions.

In the darkest of my heart-cries,

With all my anxieties on full display,

He speaks tenderly to my soul

And shows me who I am.

I fear not the voices of man

Nor the whispers of demons,

For my name comes from Him;

He defines who I am

In the face of opposition.

You tell me I am worthy.

Showers of encouragement rain down.

I’m drowning in your love.

I rest confident that you love me.

No matter how the tides of war look to be

And no matter how many times I stumble,

Your hands pick me up

And teach me to walk again