When your early morning text includes a collection of encouraging sentences, the busy day begins with a smile.

When your day’s schedule includes a visit with a neurologist, positive words bring the ideal mental breakfast.

Yes, there is much hurt in our world.

Yes, we carry many questions.

Yes, uncertainty sits beside us.

Yes, the pressure feels overwhelming.

Yes, smiles sometimes seem in short supply.

But words of encouragement speak life, bring life, breathe life.

I appreciate my friend’s words—words that feel like friends as I read them, words that seem to bring healing, words that shift a mood.

What words have you spoken or sent to friends which switched their direction from hurt toward healing? What statements have you made which gave them a better sense of their own worth and value? What phrases have you said which assisted someone in their journey toward peace?

I hope we become better at being true friends, at caring, at offering words of healing.

My friend did that to me. The words I read revealed a truth I too often reject. The words changed me.

Try those words today. A text. A note. A conversation.

Also, try to sometimes include few words. Just be there instead of talking there. Just show love rather than stating it.

True friends can, through time, with and without words, bring healing.