Early Thanksgiving 

Early Thanksgiving 

From the book Equilibrium: 31 Ways to Stay Balanced on Life’s Uneven Surfaces. Giving thanks might come easy some days.  Many days—or often it might seem like most days—maintaining a thankful attitude isn’t simple.  But we can make it intentional. It...
Celebrities for Jesus

Celebrities for Jesus

Celebrities for Jesus by Katelyn Beaty  This is not an official book review. I’ve written many of those for various magazines and websites.  This is more a confession. My honest reflections about a book—a book I would give a high grade in quality of work and...
Comments Worth Reading and Receiving

Comments Worth Reading and Receiving

Pastoral listening requires unhurried leisure, even if it’s only for five minutes. Leisure is a quality of spirit, not a quantity of time. Only in that ambiance of leisure do persons know they are listened to with absolute seriousness, treated with dignity and...
A Few Reminders We All Need

A Few Reminders We All Need

We all need healthy reminders. Of truth, of hope, of peace, of assurance, we all need those reminders. At least I do. Here are a few for me, for you, for us. Read them. Slowly. Think about what they mean. Think about what they are saying to you today. I lie down and...
Suggestions for a New School Year

Suggestions for a New School Year

Another school year has started. The classes, the conversations, the questions. The books, the assignments, the uncertainty. I often think back and wonder what I should’ve done better during my college years. I daily spend time with students helping them make wise...