A Few Questions

A Few Questions

What if we stopped allowing competition  rob us of true community? What if we stopped allowing comparison take away many healthy relationships? What am I doing to make that happen? How am I changing instead of just complaining about how others should change? How...
Looking at Jesus

Looking at Jesus

A short guy climbing a tree to see over the heads of a crowd intrigues us. Discouragement over his stature and the size of a crowd could have derailed the pursuit of his dream. Zacchaeus did not let that stop him; his determination overruled his dilemma. He...
The Dad Was Waiting With a Smile

The Dad Was Waiting With a Smile

Through comments sent by friends when I asked about both their favorite stories of Jesus and their questions, I learned many of us have much in common. We ask similar questions. We battle similar wars. We carry similar wounds. We select similar favorites in the...