Have We Tried Scripture Memorization?

Have We Tried Scripture Memorization?

This week we are emphasizing scripture memorization as our spiritual discipline. What comes to your mind as you think about it? Have you tried to memorize scripture? Can you quote some verses from the Bible?  Before my brain damage, I memorized a few portions of...
Petitions: Praying for Ourselves

Petitions: Praying for Ourselves

Last week we emphasize the spiritual discipline of intercession, praying on behalf of others. This week’s spiritual discipline is petition, praying requests on our own behalf.  I invite us all to pray this week. Voicing our needs to our Heavenly Father who has...
Listening Prayer by Anneliese Dalaba

Listening Prayer by Anneliese Dalaba

A man who grew up in church all his life complained to his friends one day. “Why do people say, ‘God told me this or that?’ I’ve never heard God say anything to me!”  Perhaps you have felt the same. God does speak to us and in many ways. Most often, He speaks as...
Intercession by John Henzel

Intercession by John Henzel

Scriptures:  “With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for the saints…” (Ephesians 6:18, NASB). “…Yet He Himself bore the sin of many, and interceded for the...
Unity: Wild Ideas

Unity: Wild Ideas

This week’s spiritual discipline is unity. This blog is taken from the book Pause With Jesus. Imagine a church not crafted just for one nationality, one age group, one language. A place not including just one musical style, one preaching style, one liturgical style. A...