Today is 12/12.
Actually 12/12/24.
“Things We’ve Handed Down: Twelve Letters I Leave for You” is my 12th book. It has 12 chapters. Some people have purchased 12 copies to give away to others.
So, I guess 12 is an important number. At least for this book and for today.
At the end of “Things We’ve Handed Down” we have 12 sections for application: “12 More Things to Hand Down.” 12 thoughts, 12 songs, 12 friends, 12 places, and a few more 12s.
Twelve has never been my favorite number. But I am thankful for the 12 books I read and wrote about in this book, and thankful for the many other books which have encouraged me on my journey.
I hope you get a copy—or 12. I hope the stories about books encourage you and challenge you to hand down to others what really matters.
And please remember this on 12/12/24 and on every day: You matter. You really matter. You have an opportunity to hand down things to others.
Hand them down.