My friend asked, “So, your new book is about books?”

“Yes,” I said. “Each chapter title is the title of a book which impacted my life.”

“I’ve looked at your bookshelves,” he said. “You have a lot of books.”

My friend was correct. Many books. So many books. And those many books made it very difficult for me to select twelve to write about in Things We’ve Handed Down: Twelve Letters I Leave for You

But that’s what I wanted to write about in my new book. I wanted to write about books. Not just any book. The books which impacted my life the most. Shelves of books have influenced me, educated me, challenged me, motivated me, inspired me, guided me, and helped me. How did I selected a few from the many? What about the lists of books I would leave out? 

The choices weren’t easy. But the process was healthy. Difficult though enjoyable. Therapeutic. Reflective. Remembering the years of words and more words, stories and more stories. 

I selected twelve. Though I added a book title for the introduction and another book title for the conclusion and other book titles in various chapters, I selected twelve books for the twelve chapters. 

What books would you select? What books have impacted your life so much that you would select them as the ones to hand down to others? How did they inspire you, invite you, encourage you? How did you respond? What do you hope they do for others? 

Well, I hope you read my letters to you in Things We’ve Handed Down. I hope you receive encouragement through the books I selected to write about in this book. 

Yes, it is a book about books. 

But it is a book about so much more than books. 

Open the pages. Open your mind, your heart, your life. See what other doors might open as you desire to hand good things down to others.