Listening. Much Listening.

Listening. Much Listening.

I’ve been doing a lot of listening. Counseling students before they leave for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Engaged in conversations with pastors who are struggling to adjust to this new season of life and ministry. Hearing stories from others who are battling life with...
But I Don’t Have Time

But I Don’t Have Time

“I would love to. I just don’t have the time.”“If I only had more time.”“There’s no time in my busy schedule for that.”“It’s a good idea, but there’s no way I could make it happen.”Have your heard those comments?Have you stated those comments?I have. And I have.We are...
A Conversation with Carolyn Arends

A Conversation with Carolyn Arends

Carolyn Arends is one of my favorite singers and songwriters. Here is our recent conversation. Please read her comments and purchase her latest music.  Chris Maxwell: Carolyn, thanks for taking time to talk. It is great to connect again. How are you? Carolyn...