A Conversation with Bob Bennett

A Conversation with Bob Bennett

(Bob Bennett has been one of my favorite singers and songwriters for many years. Please read this interview and also listen to his music. Many of his songs would be great for Christmas and as we begin a New Year.) Chris: Thanks for joining us, Bob. And thanks for your...
Be an OVERCOMER by Stacy C. Cope

Be an OVERCOMER by Stacy C. Cope

When someone or something is important to us, we will talk about it all the time. Why then are we Christians staying silent when God has done so much for us?  We need to share the Gospel and our testimonies of what God has done for us to this lost world. ...
Books for Children by Kuhiwa Erwin

Books for Children by Kuhiwa Erwin

(Kuhiwa Erwin and her family are my friends. I want to introduce them to you and let them become your friends also. One of the best ways to do that is to tell you about her writing. So, please read her story in today’s blog. Thanks, Chris) Books have always been a big...
Listening as Prayer by Jason McCary

Listening as Prayer by Jason McCary

Pastor Chris Maxwell challenged a small group of us last Friday to pick a couple of spiritual disciplines and try to incorporate/re-incorporate them into our lives over the weekend. He asked us to choose one we like and one with which we struggle. I struggle with...